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Southern Heritage Alerts: Hatred not worth the heritage


Hatred not worth the heritage

Tyson, the nitwit

The Durham (NC) Herald-Sun reports below that Tim Tyson, author of "Blood Done Sign My Name," told a group of Jordan High School students yesterday that it is not right to display the Confederate flag. Tyson said, "I think having another group of people think that you hate them is a high price to pay for your little heritage stance."

Tyson recently wrote a fictional account of the 1898 Wilmington revolt, in which he ignored the fact that the riot was sparked by a black editorialist claiming that white women wanted to be raped by black men. Tyson also ignored the fact that the Wilmington city council which was overthrown in 1898 had not been fairly elected, but rather was appointed by the post-Reconstruction governor.

Certainly, for Jordan High School to invite such a flawed "scholar" to speak to its student body is questionable at best. To allow him to spread hatred against members of the student body who have Confederate heritage is an unpardonable offense. Please contact Jordan principal Richard Webber at (919) 560-3912 or via e-mail at to complain about his unfortunate decision.

Also contact the Durham (NC) School Board and alert them about this hate crime that took place at one of their school and ask them to take corrective action. Contact information for the board members is as follows:

- Ann L. Majestic, Schools Attorney, (919)821-4711 and (919)546-0489
- Gwen Parker, Liaison to the Board of Education, (919) 560-2502
- Minnie Forte, Board Chair, (919) 530-7106
- Heidi Carter, Board Member, (919) 490-0513
- Fredrick A. Davis, Board Member, (919) 544-4999
- Stephen Martin, Board Member, (919) 479-7003
- Dr. Kirsten Kainz, Board Member, (919) 403-5700
- Omega Curtis Parker, Board Member, (919) 544-3455
- Stephen Schewel, Vice Chair, (919) 286-0111

Hatred not worth the heritage
Durham Herald Sun, NC
Story HERE


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