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Southern Heritage Alerts: December 2011


Confederate flag stirs controversy

Confederate flag flying along highway in rural Ala. town stirs controversy

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I think Mr. Hathcox's reason for the use of our flag wrong... And it being desecrated with graffiti "MUDWEISER" on it.... I do question the mayor's comment. PoP

Ask the below what was meant by the comment "the flag is disgraceful."

Riverside City Hall


Mayor Rusty Jessop

District 2 Council Rachelle Painter

District 4 Council Rob Hayes

District 5 Council Ken Womack

District 1 Council Jim Hollander

Riverside City Hall
379 Depot St
Riverside, AL 35135
(205) 338-7692


Confederate Flags: Pride or Prejudice?

"Regardless, we have yet to see the day where the confederate flag holds no negative implication, and risking offending the community over simply wanting a materialistic depiction of southern superiority is ignorant and inconsiderate. There is a fine line between exercising free speech and exercising hateful speech." ~ Demi Demirkol

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Needs your response!