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Southern Heritage Alerts: May 2012


Paducah City Commission Opposes Flying Confederate Flag

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"Commissioner Gerald Watkins says the flag once represented an army that fought for slavery, and flying that symbol could send the wrong message to citizens—including visitors"


Mayor Bill Paxton

Commissioner Richard Abraham

Commissioner Carol Gault

Commissioner Gayle Kaler (Mayor Pro Tem)

Commissioner Gerald Watkins


NAACP Addresses Flag Controversy

"I don't think that they have ever thought of taking it down," Jackson said. "They don't feel like it's derogatory to the African American people."

Story HERE

Does Confederate Flag T-Shirt Create Hostile Work Environment?

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"A claim of harassment is actionable if the harassment to which Complainant has allegedly been subjected was sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of Complainant’s employment."


EEOC Restricts Speech in Viewpoint-Discriminatory

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"The First Amendment generally protects even offensive speech, so if you wish to wear a t-shirt celebrating a bloodthirsty thug like Mao, Stalin, or Che Guevara, you can do so without being punished by the government. But you can’t wear a Confederate flag t-shirt to work, without risking an investigation by the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission"


Hate mail

In reference to “Confederate group honors dead

"When The Sons of Confederate Veterans transformed itself from a historical society to a neo-confederate historical revisionist organization, they moved from preserving heritage to distorting heritage. To say this group “honors those killed in the Civil War” dishonors the 15,000 patriotic North Carolinians who died supporting the Union."

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Lawmaker wants end to Confederate holiday

While state officials and workers take the day off in observance of Confederate Memorial Day, one state lawmaker has "called the holiday "archaic" and says it's time to put it out to pasture." ~ Rep. Boyd Brown

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Columbia Address

Rep. Boyd Brown
532A Blatt Bldg.
Columbia 29201
Business Phone (803) 212-6789

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P. O. Box 26
Winnsboro 29180
Home Phone (803) 815-0716
Business Phone (803) 815-0716