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Southern Heritage Alerts: May 2006


C.S.S. Hunley & Supporter Under Attack!

Date: Sat, 27 May 2006 17:46:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: Stephen Quick
Subject: Hunley under attack

A journalist at The State newspaper in Columbia has launched an all out assault on the Hunley, its costs and the good senator (Glen McConnell) who has been directing its future. The SCV, especially people from out of state (especially those of us up north) need to write The State and express our excitement about the project and our plans to visit it when complete.

The scalawag can himself be reached at We need to bombard that rag with as many emails and letters as possible...need to make a point that we are writing from north of the Mason-Dixon. If your blood pressure can stand it read what has been written in "The Snake" ( as The State newspaper is called down there) and send a letter to the editor. As the commander of the largest camp north of the Mason-Dixon if you can get this ball rolling its bound to get noticed.

To Arms?
Steve Quick

The Hunley
Government by Stealth

The State's series examining how one state senator steered millions to a pet project, outside the public arena + Read on

Sen. Glenn McConnell in Charleston in 2004, when he and thousands of other Civil War re-enactors escorted the Hunley crew members’ remains to a grave site in Magnolia Cemetery.

Contact the Good Sen. McConnell...Thank him for his efforts.
(803) 212-6610

Journalist JOHN MONK


The State, newspaper in Columbia
P.O. Box 1333,
Columbia, SC 29202
(800) 888-5353



Confederate Heroes Day shouldn't be observed!

Student Suspended Over Attitude Not T-Shirt

Mitchell said, it wasn't the t-shirt that got Ashley suspended, but rather some colorful language...Attack my heritage and watch my attitude change! It was the shirt! He knows it and we know it!...PoP

Story HERE

Colonial High School ORLANDO, Fla.
6100 Oleander Dr
Orlando, FL 32807
Orange County
Phone: (407) 482-6300
Fax: (407) 737-1450

Dr. Paul Van Mitchell
CHS Main Campus

Administration Email Directory HERE


Students Suspended for Rebel Flag

Principal Larry Kerrnagis said the students angered other students with their rebel flags so much so it nearly caused a disturbance. “Well, in your face, flaunting it in somebody's face,” Kerrnagis said.

Story HERE

I believe there is more to this story. We all know most trouble caused in matters as this is administration. I for one don't think it a spontaneous action on the students part. Wonder what really happened to cause the supposed flaunting?...PoP

Larry Kernagis, Principal
Wilson Central High School
419 High School Dr
Lebanon, TN 37090
(615) 453-4600 EXT, 1106


Billboard too tough to tame

Burbage said it was remarks attributed to Dale Earnhardt Jr. that really upset the troops. Reports on the Internet say Earnhardt, while being interviewed by rapper Ludacris, called people who fly the Confederate battle flag "ignorant."

Story HERE

The billboard was back up w/in 24 hrs of being taken down.

How do you spell "Contractual LAW"?, certain staff members of the SC SCV Div jumped on 'em like a duck on a June bug.

Thanks, Joe Payne
1st Brig Cmdr SC Div SCV

Wonder if a story will be done the sign's return??...PoP


Zion reb flag showing

Zion-Benton High School

Rebel flag sparked ban on banners

Story HERE

Salvo Marks

Further contacts:
Social Studies Teachers

Zion-Benton Township High School
One Z-B Way
21st St. & Kenosha Rd.
Zion, IL 60099


Thanks to:
John Jeffers, Camp Commander,
Camp Douglas Memorial #1507,
Illinois Division