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Southern Heritage Alerts: June 2006


Confederate Memorial & Friends in Need

Lord knows the Warren's are doing all they can to preserve our heritage and good name of our Southern heroes. Please support the efforts of our Patriots in the land of lincoln.


----- Original Message -----
From: Tand Pam Warren
To: Chuck Demastus
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 10:02 AM
Subject: I have some plans/I need some help

Chuck and the SHNV family,

I have mulled over in my mind this post for weeks it seems, and have decided to quit thinking about it and just make it. "The Lawrence County Confederate Memorial "here at Mole Church is in desperate need of some improvements. Nothing exceptionally expensive or elaborate, but needed none the less.

1. the granite stone itself has sunk about 2 1/2 inches (we didn't have the money in 2002 to have a footer poured, and I am surprised that it has taken nearly 4 years to settle I expected it in the first year truthfully. most here know 2 of the 3 flagpoles were vandalized, one has been repaired, one is beyond repair. and needs replaced......

3. the security light was busted......thanks to (TS) a good man from TX who sent a check we were able to procure a new one, and a local electrician has volunteered his time to install and wire it up.

4. I salvaged some beautiful old LA wrought iron (French Quarter style) that I would like to refurbish and install at the memorial...I have access to a sand blaster and of course a paint booth, I believe the addition of the wrought iron will truly be a beautiful thing in regards to the memorial area.

5.there have been so many visitors over the years that the parking area is basically now grass and dirt as the white gravel has all but disappeared it detracts from the look and after a solid rain is a mess that ruts up every time someone parks there.

6.the meditative garden just off to the side of the memorial has never been more beautiful than it is this is like a baby to me, I nurture it daily.... I wish a simple concrete bench to set within it's confines and have found one that is affordable because one corner has a nick out of big deal in my opinion I see a nicked bench better than no bench....

7 .as to flags I have at this time an abundance thanks to my camp members and good people from all over the South and as far away as AZ and CA.

Now ,these repairs and additions do not involve a large sum of money, but they do involve more money than Pam and I can spare at this time. The concrete and the gravel are the largest expense facing us, but the company will waive the delivery cost as their way of contributing. They are about 20 miles away, so I would have been faced with mileage costs tacked on.
I simply need a some people to chip in whatever they can .....a dollar or two here and there will add up, and for anyone who would donate $20 I will mail to them postage paid at no charge one of my cd's (their choice) including the brand new one. Just as a slight incentive and as a thank you.

I pray this post does not come off as begging for handouts, that is not it's intention, it is a plea however for some assistance to keep the Memorial area, sharp looking, and a loud and proud statement of honor for those venerable old CSA vets it pays homage to.

So if ya'll can see fit to help, I give you my word every penny will go into the Lawrence County Memorial Fund, and will be used only for the repairs, additions and upkeep.

I thank ya'll for your time and consideration.

In the bonds of the South old and new alike, standing in the shadows of my ancestors,

T warren, still behind the lines in ill annoy
Heritage Officer Capt James Knox camp 2022 GA. Div. SCV

If you wish to donate please send your check to
T Warren
425 Jonathon Street
Bridgeport, IL. 62417

Earmark the check "Lawrence County Confederate Memorial" and please include your return address so I might thank those that assist personally..May God Bless........T


Gen. William T. Sherman

Louisiana State University may name building after Gen. William T. Sherman
Story HERE

A resolution presented by, Sen. Robert Barham, R-Oak Ridge asking LSU to name a building after William T. Sherman.

"LSU traditionally names buildings after former presidents, but hasn't named one after Sherman because of his tyrannical military strategies and destruction in the South." ~ Sen. Robert Barham, author of the resolution!!

Robert Barham


Robert Barham
Capitol Office
P.O. Box 94183
Baton Rouge, LA 70804
(225) 342-2040

District Office
Post Office Box 249
509 Dogwood Street
Oak Ridge, LA 71264
(318) 244-5582

Southern Fried Hockey??

Slippery subjects, and not just hockey
Steve Ford, Staff Writer

Southern fried hockey? Celebratory tailgate parties in sizzling parking lots after the hometown team wins the Stanley Cup are part of the twist that North Carolina fans have put on this scintillating sport from the frozen north. But perhaps the ultimate sign of cultural cross-fertilization was when the Carolina Hurricanes' victory parade in downtown Raleigh wound up at the state's principal Civil War monument -- the one inscribed, "To Our Confederate Dead." ~ Ford... I think Ford's article is, carpetbagger HOCKY!

They mounted a stage where Hillsborough terminates at the Capitol grounds. The monument -- with the statue of a solitary soldier atop a tall spire -- became the backdrop to the ceremony. Had the glistening Stanley Cup ever been hoisted in such a conspicuously un-Northern setting? ~ Ford...What about Ford's un-Southern rant?...I guess that's OK, him being a carpetbagger and all!...PoP

Steve Ford has been The News & Observer's editorial page editor since 1989.... He grew up in Virginia and lives in Cary. Notice it don't say born.

Story HERE

Steve Ford can be reached at 929-820-4512 or HERE

The News & Observer
215 South McDowell Street
P.O. Box 191
Raleigh, NC 27602
(919) 829-4500

Feed-back form HERE


Confederate Holidays not Appropriate?

Story HERE

I am a white native Alabamian, with two great-great-grandfathers who fought for the Confederacy. As a state employee, I have for nearly 25 years been given holidays for Confederate Memorial Day and Jefferson Davis' birthday. While I enjoy having these days off, I would urge the Legislature to end these as state holidays.

My reasons have nothing to do with my personal opinion as to whether the Confederate dead or Jefferson Davis should be remembered. I simply believe that a state holiday should be an occasion that all the people of the state wish to celebrate, or at least acknowledge as appropriate. This is apparently not true for many, if not most, black people in Alabama, for reasons that I can understand.

Ending these holidays would not represent a collective decision that the Confederate dead and Jefferson Davis are not worthy of remembrance. It would mean only that the remembrance of them is not a matter on which all Alabamians can agree, and thus that these holidays are not appropriate for the state as a whole.

Bill Little

Ya know, he has a point, lot of things I don't agree with too!...Lets remove King's and a few others that may be inappropriate for the state "PEOPLE" as a whole...PoP

Alabama paid holidays HERE

Send a letter to the editor.
Montgomery, AL. Advertiser
Letter to the Editor
Montgomery Advertiser
P.O. Box 1000
Montgomery, AL 36101-1000

The fax number is (334) 261-1597


Missouri Governor Under Attack by Those People!

State Conference NAACP Notes The Dis-ingenuous Actions Of Gov. Blunt

Last year, the NAACP Missouri State Conference engaged in a protest in front of the Governor’s Mansion in Jefferson City to express our indignation and outrage concerning an Executive Order issued by Governor Blunt allowing the Confederate Flag to be flown on State owned property.

"We call on Governor Blunt to truly demonstrate compassion and respect for all Missourians by respecting the voices of those men and women who fought, worked and died to remove this symbol of hate in Missouri." ~ The Call Newspaper

Contact Information:
Anita L. Russell, President
1601 East 18th Street, Suite 212
Kansas City, Missouri 64108
(Office) 816-421-1191
(Fax) 816-421-4939

1715 E. 18th Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64108

Kansas Office
2730 N. 13th Street
Kansas City, Kansas 66104

Toll Free - 877-475-6422

Contact the good Governor, thank him for his courage.Missouri Governor Blunt
Office of the Governor
Room 216, State Capitol Building
Jefferson City MO 65101
Telephone: (573) 751-3222

E-mail: Governor Blunt