Southern Heritage Alerts
Before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was."... Milan Kundera
A work of
The Southern Co-op
South Carolinians take back our flag
ATTN: South Carolinians
I emplore you to contact the Laurens County State Attorney and ask him to prosecute these people under South Carolina law.
The State of South Carolina imposes up to a $100 fine and a jail term up to 30 days on anyone convicted of publicly mutilating, defacing, jeering at, trampling upon or defiling the U.S. flag, the South Carolina state flag or the Confederate States of America flag. The law also forbids the use of such flags for advertising or publicity purposes. [S.C. Code Ann. Sec. 16-17-210 through 16-17-220]
I also ask that you bring media attention and pressure to your request.
We must take back our hi-jacked battle flag from these mean-spirited hate groups!
Lunelle Siegel
Tampa, Florida
Inside the secret world of white supremacy
A visit to Laurens, S.C.
Published 10.18.06
Story HERE
Contact Sugg HERE
Creative Loafing Atlanta
384 Northyards Blvd., Suite 600
Atlanta, GA 30313-2454
404-688-5623 (main)
404-614-3599 (fax)
Leave a comment HERE
You may submit general questions or comments to the SC Attorney General's Office using the information below. Please include your name, address and telephone number when writing our office.
Mailing Address
The Honorable Henry McMaster
P.O. Box 11549
Columbia, S.C. 29211
Office Location
Rembert Dennis Building
1000 Assembly Street, Room 519
Columbia, S.C. 29201
Email Address HERE
T-shirts stir tensions
T-shirts stir tensions at Flat Rock Middle School
HERE By, John Thompson
“It was the black students that caused the disruption and threatened to beat the girl’s [rear]. If they would have just raised their hand and said they found the shirt objectionable, the situation could have been handled better.”
"Many hate groups and symbols remain alive in "the South", i.e. the confederate flag, the Sons of Confederate Veterans (an aglomeration (sic) of former KKK)." Submitted by DragNet
You can respond HERE
Flat Rock School
Flat Rock, AL 35966
Phone Number: (256) 632-2323
Jackson County School District
Order your Free
Dixie Outfitters
Catalog HERE
NASCAR's popularity has slowed
"It's not a flag that I look at with anything favourable, that's for sure."
Red flag
By Dan Wetzel,
Story HERE
A year ago NASCAR CEO Brian France condemned the flag on "60 Minutes" and reiterated his company's "commitment to diversity."
After a decade of massive growth, NASCAR's popularity has slowed and television ratings have slumped. To restart its progress, NASCAR must continue to attract new fans in fresh, more diverse markets, many of whom view the Confederate flag as a symbol of racism and oppression. Yet NASCAR doesn't want to alienate its loyal base, many of whom view the waving flags in the infield as a symbol of honour, history and traditional Southern pride.
Which is why the flag issue – symbolic of many others including prerace prayer and moving races out of the South to fresh markets in the North, Midwest and West – remains an issue NASCAR can't easily solve.
The attempts at diversity is the death rattle of nascar, attacks on Southern heritage, it's coffin nails ! PoP
Dan Wetzel
Notice Compliments of:
Sylvia Darby
Confederate Silent Sam Under Attack!
Story HERE
UNC junior Alice Broadhead claims:
That Silent Sam, the University's Confederate monument,is a symbol of white supremacy. We might as well fly a Confederate flag.
We cannot conscientiously continue to welcome Silent Sam and thereby condone what he represents. I cannot believe that Carolina wishes to continue to memorialize white supremacy, but if Sam stays, that is exactly what we will be doing."
Erected in 1913, in remembrance of “the sons of the University who died for their beloved Southland 1861-1865,” Silent Sam stands on UNC's McCorkle place, the University's upper quad, facing Franklin Street. He was given to the University by the United Daughters of the Confederacy in 1909. More than 1000 University men fought in the Civil War. At least 40% of the students enlisted, a record not equaled by any other institution, North or South. Sam is silent because he carries no ammunition and cannot fire his gun.
You can respond to Broadhead directly at 201 Teague, UNC Residence Hall, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, by telephone at (919) 914-2854 or via e-mail at
You can also respond with a letter to the editor at PO Box 3257,
Chapel Hill, NC 27515, via e-mail at or via the
webform HERE
So you want to be a loser?
April Brenay wears her Dixie Outfitters Confederate flag shirt backwards. The shirt's message reads If this flag offends you. You need a history lesson
"If you want to "fight the power" pick something worthwhile to protest against, such as social injustice, world hunger, the fight to find a cure for AIDS, the Iraq war, whether you support the war or not, and the list goes on." Rashida Rawls
This pea-brain needs to look up the meaning of social injustice. Ms. Brenay, is fighting social injustice, and we should support her courageous stand. God bless this young Southern patriot! PoP
"Real courage is found, not in the willingness to risk death, but in the willingness to stand, alone if necessary, against the ignorant and disapproving herd." ~ Jon Roland, 1976
Resent Photo
Rashida Rawls
President Middle Georgia Association of Black Journalists
(352) 867-4132
Story HERE
Forum HERE
Explains tale of Confederate flag??
History professor explains tale of Confederate flag
Post your comment HERE
Please, be Southern ladies and gentlemen. GB/PoP
Amazing Grace & Rabbits
Franklin Tennessee November 30, 1864
Tommy PoP Aaron
The distance was two miles, this hid the movement of what was taking place in front of the Union soldiers at Franklin. They waited behind strong breastworks just south of this small Tennessee town. The distance did not hide the sounds of men moving or the rattle of their equipment. Another sound whispered past the ears of these Union veterans. This sound put fear in their hearts for they knew the sound too well. It was the sound of Amazing Grace. They knew Cleburne's Division was before them "The Stonewall of The West", this division had never lost a fight. Cleburne always had his band play the tune after a battle, this in respect to the dead and dying.
This time it is thought he had his band play the tune before the battle as his death march. He must have known this would be his last advance. He even stated to D.C. Govan, a friend "Well Govan", if we must die, then let die like men!
Imagine if you will, eighteen Rebel Brigades, "20,000" men advancing across two mile of open fields, this with out artillery support ! The sulfur smoke laying close to the ground like a gray black cloud of death, this smoke burning the eyes and nostrils of the soldiers, there lips bleeding from tearing open cartridges. It was as if the very gates of hell had opened on them !....As the brave men advanced through knee high fall grass, they flushed rabbits before them. Rabbits were the first wave to reach the Union works. The carnage continued in to darkness for almost six hours!!
Gen. Hood lost eight thousand men at Franklin and six generals, one of them the greatest field commander of the War for Southern Independence " Patrick R. Cleburne ". The Army of Tennessee would never be the winning army it had been, Hood had taken the fire from it. Hood did more damage to the AOT than any of the union armies!... PoP
No Confederate flags allowed at Battle of Franklin commemoration
Ashland City Times, TN
Story HERE
Wimp Mayor Tom Miller:
Confederate Cemetery, Franklin, TN.
Wonder when the good mayor will bulldoze these!?
Post your comments
Contact these folk fast, they are removing their E-mail! Give them a nice phone call.
Mayor, City of Franklin
Franklin, Tennessee
(615) 791-3217
Fax: (615) 790-0469
Contact Aldermen:
Beverly Burger
(615) 599-1014
Mr. Dana McLendon
(615) 790-2441
Mrs. Dodson Randolph
(615) 335-1172
Dan Klatt
(615) 794-0019
Ernie Bacon
(615) 791-8485
Robert Kriebel
(615) 550-6627
Pam Lewis
(615) 791-6170
Dennis Philips
(615) 794-3911
Alert Kennesaw, Georgia
Kennesaw, Georgia
Stop the destruction of Confederate Training Camp Mc Donald that the City has approved to build from 55 to 85 townhomes!
Story & Contact info:
The Kennesaw Cemetery lies on the property of camp McDonald, a former confederate training ground for Georgia volunteers.